Tagcar insurance salt lake city

If I Experience a Hit-and-Run, Will My Insurance Cover Me?


Experiencing a hit-and-run is a stressful situation no matter what, and wondering if your insurance will cover the damage just adds to the trauma! Our clients ask us all the time if they’ll be covered if they experience a hit-and-run, and if you’re wondering the same thing, keep reading for some useful information. Insurance and Hit-and-Runs Hit-and-runs can be a complicated auto insurance topic...

The Truth About 3 Common Car Insurance Myths


When it comes to car insurance, it can be hard to know what to believe if you’re constantly hearing different things from different people. There seem to be a few car insurance myths that are most prevalent, so we’ve put together some information to help debunk them! Myth #1: The Color of Your Car Affects the Price of Your Insurance Truth: There are several factors that are known to impact the...

Animal Accidents on the Road: What to Do


We’re often warned about being careful when it comes to looking out for animals on the road. However, sometimes even despite our best efforts you can find yourself in an accident because of a collision with an animal. This can be a very scary situation to have to deal with, but knowing what steps to take in order to improve the situation is essential as a driver. (Did you know some areas of Utah...

Car Insurance and Campers: What’s Covered


Are you heading out in a camper trailer to explore everything Utah has to offer this summer? Sounds like a great time to us! But first, there are some insurance considerations to keep in mind. Car Insurance & Camper Trailers If you’re here, you might be wondering, “does my auto insurance cover my camper trailer?” In most cases, your car insurance will offer you some protection. If you’re in a...

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