
The Best Insurance Options for Protecting Your Vehicle and Home from Storm Damage


For many homeowners, spring and summer are when they’re most likely to need to make a vehicle or home insurance claim. There are several reasons for this, and one of the biggest is that it’s often when the most disastrous storms hit and wreak havoc on our homes and vehicles. With that in mind, here is some vital information about the best insurance options for protecting your vehicle and home...

How to Decide if You Should Make a Property Insurance Claim for Your Home


Are you facing a potentially costly situation in your home and you’re not sure if you should file a home insurance claim? There’s often no one right answer for deciding if it’s the right time to make a claim or not, but we’ve put together some questions to help you decide if it would make sense to file a home insurance claim. Is It a Covered Peril? Before you try to make a home insurance claim...

Frequently Asked Questions About Earthquake Insurance


Utah is one of the top ten states for the strength and frequency of earthquakes in the country, which is why we get a lot of questions about earthquake insurance here at Salt Lake City Insurance. We’re proud to offer earthquake insurance to our clients to protect themselves, their families, and their property. But before you buy it, you might have several questions about how these policies work...

3 Common Home Insurance Myths Debunked


Not sure what to believe when it comes to what you’ve been told about home insurance? Truthfully, a lot of misinformation is spread about all kinds of insurance, with home insurance often leading the pack. To help you tell what’s true and what’s not, let’s debunk some of the most common home insurance myths!   Myth #1: My home is insured for its resale value. Truth: Your home is insured to cover...

4 Ways to Protect Your Business From Cyber Threats


In today’s digital world, businesses face a whole new set of challenges: protecting their company from cyber threats. Businesses of all types and sizes can fall victim to data breaches, and not only is important information lost, these events can result in bankruptcy and all sorts of other problems for companies. But don’t panic – there’s good news! If you implement these four important...

Here’s What You Should Know About Bundling Insurance


Our clients are often curious about bundling insurance and why it might be the right choice for them. Before you can decide if bundling your insurance policies is a good way to go, here are four important points to consider. What is Insurance Bundling? When you hear about bundling and insurance, it refers to someone choosing the same provider for multiple insurance policies, including home, auto...

4 Tips for Winter Fire Safety to Protect You and Your Home


Being nice and cozy in your home with a fire roaring in your fireplace and warming the room is one of the nicest parts of winter. It’s also a great time of year to have candles adding a warm glow to your home, but with candles or fireplaces there are certain risks you need to watch out for. Although the amount of outdoor fires decreases during the winter, the amount of indoor, structural fires...

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