If you’re thinking about getting a swimming pool for your property, you’re likely looking forward to pool parties and cool dips in the sun! Having a swimming pool will be sure to provide a lot of fun for your family, but it will be important to make sure that you have the proper home insurance policy in place for protecting your property. Here is everything you need to know about home insurance...
What is an Attractive Nuisance?
As one of the leading providers of home and auto insurance in Salt Lake City, we get a lot of questions about insurance terms and policies. Lately, we’ve had more questions than ever about “attractive nuisances.” We know many of our clients want to know this, so we’re covering it all in a blog post so you can get the answers you need. So, what exactly is an attractive nuisance? Attractive...
Does Home Insurance Cover Foundation Issues?
As a leading provider of home insurance in Utah, we get a lot of questions about the best way to protect yourself from the financial blow of a variety of events that can happen to you as a homeowner. One of the questions we get the most is, “Does home insurance cover foundation issues?” Home insurance and foundation issues Unless foundational damage was caused by an insured peril (broken pipes...
Buying Insurance for Older Homes
Older homes have years of memories packed inside. These special places often have special insurance considerations as well. The team at Salt Lake City Insurance gets a lot of questions about buying insurance for older homes, so we’re dedicating this entire post to some things you should know on the topic. The roof Did you know most roofs need to be replaced approximately every 20-25 years? If...
How to File a Home Insurance Claim: Important Steps
As a homeowner, there’s a good chance there will come a time you’ll need to file a home insurance claim. There are many reasons for doing so, including if your home has suffered storm damage, fire or smoke damage, and many other incidents. Here are some useful tips for how to file a home insurance claim to increase the likelihood of your claim being approved. Only file for covered losses...
Fire Damage and Home Insurance
Fire damage is one of the most common claims homeowners make every year. They also tend to be the costliest claims because of how much damage they cause. In fact, most fire damage claims exceed $40,000. Does home insurance cover fire damage? Most home insurance policies include coverage for fire damage. Interestingly, home insurance was first created for that specific purpose. If there’s a fire...
Does Home Insurance Cover Dog Bites?
If your dog bites someone, will your home insurance cover any damages? This is a question a lot of homeowners have for us. The idea of your dog biting someone is upsetting enough, but having to face the costs associated with any injuries or other damages from the bite is added stress. Home insurance and dog bites If you have a home insurance policy, it will likely cover dog bite damages. The...
5 Signs You Need to Replace Your Roof (and Will Insurance Cover It?)
There’s no doubt a leaky roof is one of the biggest headaches homeowners can face! But did you know there are signs you can look out for so you’ll know it’s time to replace your roof before major damage is done? In this post, we’ll go over 5 signs it might be time to replace your roof, then we’ll also help you determine if insurance will cover the damage. Visible Wear and Tear If you can take one...
The Best Insurance Options for Protecting Your Vehicle and Home from Storm Damage
For many homeowners, spring and summer are when they’re most likely to need to make a vehicle or home insurance claim. There are several reasons for this, and one of the biggest is that it’s often when the most disastrous storms hit and wreak havoc on our homes and vehicles. With that in mind, here is some vital information about the best insurance options for protecting your vehicle and home...
How to Decide if You Should Make a Property Insurance Claim for Your Home
Are you facing a potentially costly situation in your home and you’re not sure if you should file a home insurance claim? There’s often no one right answer for deciding if it’s the right time to make a claim or not, but we’ve put together some questions to help you decide if it would make sense to file a home insurance claim. Is It a Covered Peril? Before you try to make a home insurance claim...